Clod Magazine - Nutters elsewhere
News archive
Wardown Poets and gig list - vols 9 & 10 NOW OUT
Fold Editions vol 10 and 9 are now out and available from our Bandcamp page. Vol 10 is a collection of Luton's 'Wardown Poets', namely Lis Dalla Vecchia, Paulo Dalla Vecchia, Clive Gresswell, Eddie Heaton, John Hegley, Jon Hind, Andrew Kingston, Rae Leaver, Lee Nelson, Jenny Nockles Tim Parke, Albert Rande, Helen Shadow, Richard Zola and Luton Haiku. It's the usual A6 size, 48 pages and rather good. Available here.
Vol 9 is an exhaustive, exhausting and compelling list of gigs attended by Wibble Whitebread. For more on this and the previous eight editions, there's a separate Bandcamp page.
Clod Magazine ed 36 now out
The 36th edition of Clod Magazine is now out and available from our Bandcamp page. "About ruddy time". We've also pushing other new stock - J Hackson's Haunting Nest, a couple of Knockouts repurposed tracks for cheap'n'cheery download, fridge magnets; the list goes on.
Fold Edition vol 9 - Wibble's Gig List
The ninth edition of Fold is now available. List keepin', venue bustin' demi-legend Mr Wibble Whitebread's list recently came to the attention of the Fold team. It's right up our street - it's a list. An orderly, chronological dash from the big West Country shows of the mid to late 80s, through to Cambridge, then Sheffield, then back to Cambridge and many points in between, listing bands seen, dates and venue. Simple as that and up on our Bandcamp page, along with our other editions.

Knockouts "Low Notes" on Mopomoso
Just in case anyone missed it, The Knockouts improvised piece 'Low Notes' and various related images were featured on the January 2021 Mopomoso TV show. We were very happy and honoured to have been included. Have a peek, here; we're first on !
Book, print and downloads
Lockdown has been a busy periods. J Hackson has a new book . In J's words, "The pre-virus, pre-distancing collection of language directly from the mouths of Luton town centre. Language taken from sign-posts, posters, shirt fronts, billboards, headstones, impressions and overheard conversations. All then lyrically and poetically piped into a song-like stream of conscious text, combined with printed graphics, illustrations and photographs by the author; the co-editor of Clod Magazine J. Hackson."
Weizen has hammered life and hammered life back into 31 Knockout tracks. Less than £3 to download Plus, there's a special lockdown free single, featuring an early version of Outbreak and a cover of The Buzzcocks' Boredom.
Still a chance, too, to pick up a print of the cover of the Clod ed 36. And magnets. We got Fridge Magnets. All these goodies viewable and available, at the time of posting, from our Bandcamp page.
Artist Self-Publishers Fair - Sun 27/9, 2pm-7pm
Hey; wanna hang out? Us neither. Too many loonies out there getting excited about masks and that. But you CAN catch up and insult us online at the online ASP. Go here for the website. The handle and hash? @aspfair and #aspfair. Hackson, Smoke, Weizen and maybe Fitzagre will be peddlin' at different times, probably distanced and covered in cellophane.

Clod Mag print; KO trinkets, Thrilled Skinny t-shirts
It won't make lockdown go away or easier, but the Arts, Cloth & Engdepartments have been 'hard at it' to bring you new lines. Well, two new lines and a very limited chance to grab a repro of the 'classic' So Happy Thrilled Skinny t-shirt.
All these goodies viewable and available, at the time of posting, from our Bandcamp page.
First Slow Night of the roarin' 20s.....
Members of the Clod Magazine and The Knockouts beat combo will be sharing some of their favourite tracks, drinking some of their favourite drinks and otherwise enjoying the wondrous surroundings of The Bear Club on Thursday 6 February. Come and join us, it'll be a blast. For more witless guff, you could do worse than visit our Facebook event page.
The Knockouts back on the boards
The Knockouts follow up their Luton Black Horse gig at the end of last year with a special guest slot, supporting raucous, lauded duo John at Bedford Esquires on Friday 7 February. A day after Slow Night. We're first on in a bill of three band bill, so if you want to see us, get in early. Here's a Facebook event page to help plan your visit.
We have a stunning new range of fridge magnets on sale this evening.....
Clod edition 35 launch, Luton 29/11/19
If Filmstock's return isn't enough, the launch of Clod Magazine's 35th edition in the renowned Bricklayers Arms pub, High Town, probably IS. Members of the edit team will be drinking and available to answer questions on the 35th and, indeed, any other edition. The last launch was a real hoot, and we're hoping for more of the same this time round.
There is, inevitably, a Facebook page. Here it is.
The Knockouts live in Luton 30/11/19
In a very precedented move, Clod Magazine house band The Knockouts will strut their stuff in Luton's excellent Black Horse public house. The full bill and other details will be or are available on the Facebook event page. Have a look, it's a reet hoot mon.
THIS IS THE FIRST KNOCKOUTS gig for ruddy ages. We hope you can come and convince all your chums to do likewise.
Artists and Self Publishers Fair 8/12/19
Clod Magazine is delighted to have been invited to the fifth Artists and Self-Publishers Fair at the ICA, London, on Sunday 8 December. YES! It's a great event.
The fair itself is the second of two days of ASP events, with the day before, Saturday 7, given over to a day of readings and performance. News and updates here.
Bob's Deep-Freeze Inventory 2nd edition
One of Clod's more troubling and popular publications, Bob's Deep-Freeze Inventory, has gone to an unprecedented second edition. It's got a new cover, but the same content. Or lack, thereof. Anyway, it's up for £4 and p&p on our Bandcamp page it you're not coming to see us at some point over the next few weeks. Or if you want to get ahead.....
Slow Night Thurs 7/11/19
Our last this year and refreshingly distanced from Christmas shenanigans. Clod Magazine djs - acoustic jazz, soundtrack, exotica, primitive rock and roll, etc. All at Luton's excellent Bear Club, and all free. Low energy. Bring a book. It begins a busy month for us, so if you want a meaningful chat with us, this may be your best bet for a while.
New Fold predicted; raffle a nailed on certainty. Facebook event page.
Small Publishers' Fair, London 15 & 16/11/19
Last year was a blast. This year, likely to be the same. Come and speak to some great, great Clod guys, and distract them from the merchant misery connected to selling books and stuff. The Small Publishers Fair is in Conway Hall, which is a wonderful place. A bit Fabian; a bit lefty. Bang in the middle of London too. For more details, take a look at their site.
More praise for MoUsTachE
What the hell do you mean, what's MoUsTachE? Just look here, at the very inspiring and very generous write up from The Pensive Quill....
And when you've digested that, and if you're quick, you may be able to get hold of a copy of this esteemed organ on our Bandcamp page.
Next Slow Night
Will be on 22 August. You'll come, won't you? Oh. Well, look, fine. Don't worry about it. We realise Killing Eve is only on iPlayer for another six months and that you have an aversion to music without words. But do come. Or at least explore, maybe through looking here, on Facebook. If anyone wants to suggest a Fold Edition, we're all ears, but won't be spoon feeding. Free raffle will take place, however.
Fold editions five and six
The fifth and sixth Fold editions are now up on Bandcamp. Number five commemorates the Slow Night for May this year, with a cracking story by Guljit Kambo and a cracking set of pencil drawings by Angharad Whiting.
Number six is something Lee Nelson did, combining lyrics and feelings drawn from "cheap" pop music and the gritty glorious lives of a couple of star struck love
Clod at South London Comic and Zine 15.7
We haven't been to Norwood, so looking forward to Saturday 15 July at the promising looking Stanley Halls (nearest station Norwood Junction; SE25 6AB). An event which promises to focus on DIY. Suits us. There's also an all day bar, so we're not making any money. Come buy us a drink.
Next Slow Night
Will be on Thursday 2 May. More of the same; acoustic jazz, esoteric car boot, robot rock'n'roll, soundtracks and the raffle (tinned food/book).
Anyone bold and brave enough who wants to write about "Fear of Jazz" for the Fold are more than welcome. Have a look, again, at Facebooks.
Clod 34 launch
Clod 34 has been written, printed, stapled, squared and bashed. Its first outing will be at an arranged evening in the back room of The Brickies, on Fri 5 April. Spot the writers in the very space that's given rise to so many beery ideas, subsequently nailed into zine form. Forget all these new terrace songs; forget the shady excuse-niks down the Arndale, forget the wannabe baristas. This is Luton Culture, RIGHT. If you don't fancy the pub, we'll ship out from the Saturday afterwards, all discreet and online.
Fold Edition 4
The latest Fold Edition was printed and tied in with Slow Night on Thursday 4 February. If you missed it, you can grab your copy for as long as it lasts on Bandcamp and enjoy writing from Stephen Fall and Matthew Richardson. while wowing to photos taken by Stephen Whiting, Guljit Kambo and Timothy P Kingston.
Utter 22 on a FRIDAY
Hey, poetry people! The part DJ Sticking Plaster (Slow Night) and Luton Haiku-powered Utter! combination spoken word, beer and books night is taking place on FRIDAY 8 March. It's at The Crush Bar in Luton's Central Library. We all strongly recommend you be there, or else remain forever ignorant of the healing power of Paul Lyalls, Kid Kirby and the rest of the assembled bill. Here's the Facebook page.
Moustache in despatches
The J Hackson powered Moustache book, published earlier this year, has been listed as one of Sarah Bodman's ten Artists Books of the year, 2018. To see why, what Sarah has to say about the publication, and to peruse her other excellent choices, you can go here and fill your boots. If it's the sort of thing you'd like to buy, we can arrange this.
Fold Editions 2&3
You wait three months, then BANG, two Folds at once. Volume 2 is a spin off from ourAll the Pubs We Have Ever Been to Ever blog - TPKingston revisits and brings George Orwell's Moon Under Water up to date. Sort of. Vol3 is our second Slow Night themed publication in which Ben Barry joins J Hackson, TPKingston and Andrew Kingston, all four, in different, describing how they were introduced to jazz.
Available for £1.50 each plus p&p, and for sale on Bandcamp.
Manifesto in significance
JHackson in action. An all new 1500 words and 30 drawings: "self-illustrated views on creativity by the co-editor of Clod Magazine are included in this new 110 page A4-size publication". It's fantastic and for sale on Bandcamp.
7 Hills of Luton t-shirts
Designed/adapted by Clod Mag staff from an illustration of the Seven Hills of Rome. Would appeal to Lutonian classicists and possibly no-one else. Gildan, green or white, S/M/L/XL, though in very small quantities. Have a look on our Bandcamp page. Ideal Christmas gift for Lutonian classicists.
Artist Self Publishers Fair The Forth 9-12
Needless to say, we signed up double quick for the 4th Artist Self Publishers Fair. This one's in the ICA, so if anyone was put off by Somerset House's grandeur earlier this year (silly things, you), here's the chance to fill Christmas stockings with Clod clobber. We love ASP. A fair with 70+ indie artist self-publishers, produced by folks, like us, who "understand the restrictions and freedoms of the printed page". Here's their Facebook page.
Utter! Lutonians
The next installment of the Utter takes place on Thurs 6 December. It's the 21st show. This one features a musical act, an act from Leagrave, James, Lee, DY Five O'Clock Shadow and the Luton Haiku "Problems" Book Fayre. Almost sounds too good to be true. Here's the Facebook page.
Small Press Publishers' Fair, 9-10 Nov 2018
Clod Magazine is delighted to be back in The Conway Hall, London, for 2018 Small Press Publishers' Fair. The event is "an annual celebration of books by contemporary artists, poets, writers and book designers" with over 60 publishers from around the world. It looks good. But don't take our word for it, as we're notoriously 'off' much of the time. Have a look at the website and we (Hackson) will see you down there.
Slow Night, Thurs 1 November
Slow Night returns, hopefully with a new Fold Edition. Thursday 1 November. All the usual high tail groove and robotic disc rockets at The Bear Club, Luton. Raffle at 10pm, NAILED ON. Here's the event page.