Clod Magazine - Nutters elsewhere
Fold Edition vol 9 - Wibble's Gig List
The ninth edition of Fold is now available. List keepin', venue bustin' demi-legend Mr Wibble Whitebread's list recently came to the attention of the Fold team. It's right up our street - it's a list. An orderly, chronological dash from the big West Country shows of the mid to late 80s, through to Cambridge, then Sheffield, then back to Cambridge and many points in between, listing bands seen, dates and venue. Simple as that and up on our Bandcamp page, along with our other editions.
Latest news
When we started this site, we had more news and were keener about telling people about it.
Maintaining, administering and archiving pages became tiresome. So now, go see what we're up to, on our social media sites.
The Story of Clod Magazine
Clod Magazine is an independent magazine, first established in 1987. We are not a fanzine; there's no bands, no sycophants, no profiles. Nothing you'd hope for or expect from a fanzine.
Clod Magazine is, rather, a satirical publication from Luton influenced by the legacy of punk rock publications and the early days of Dada magazines. The handmade zine straddles fact and fiction and is a mess of observation, bitterness, poor satire, in-jokes, crassness and shoddiness.
We're fast heading for 40 editions.
The Magazine operators have also branched into sounds, craft fairs and books, but the whole is run like a badly organised canteen, producing works on such hopelessly obscure subjects as freezer log books, haikus about Luton, and the contents of an old "Handy" Bag Shop which enthralled Lutonians for aeons. All of this has been carried out with and communicated on such uncompromising media as decorative stags, cassette tapes, compact discs, soundclouds (see below), paper magazines, books, fridge magnets and any other tat we can lay our hands on.
We are related to top Lutonian fun rock (e.g. Thrilled Skinny and The Knockouts bands), which have run concurrently and caused as much disinterest in the field of rock and pop as Clod Magazine has in, well, whatever world it is Clod Magazine operates in). Still, whereas The Knockouts continue to garner critical word of mouth reviews - some of which are unrepeatably critical - Clod was once
Reviewed in The Guardian
Still, this was a while ago. There's a new link to buy our wares.